Covid 19 Project Mobile Schools, Leuven, Belgium
Interdistrict Grant - Covid-19 Response Mobile School - Leuven
Main Objectives
Covid-19 lock down conditions caused additional psycho emotional problems for many young people. Experts warned for a much higher alcohol use and abuse by young people and expect this to result in a higher number of alcohol addiction for young people in the post lock down period.
Many youth workers signaled problems to organize their activities because of the special circumstances during the lock down period. Already in April, Mobile school organised research within a large group youth workers on the changing needs or additional needs because of difficulties experienced in many different ways by the different target groups. They found 4 needs to address as quick as possible.
An Interdistrict Grant will be organized in Belgium Districts 2130 and 2140. Please check if your Rotary Club would join this effort? You find the summary of the study and the proposed action below.
Primary Contacts
Mobile School vzw, Rob Sweldens